Thursday, November 1, 2012



1. Rate -10-+10 with -10-10
2. Total your rates.
3. Use is/of %/100 to find your percent satisfaction.

1.) Food - -10, days without food/water, +10 necessary food, extra foods
2.) Cleaning/clothing - -10, no cleaning, no clothes, +10, 10 outfits, access to laundry, dishwasher.
3.) Shelter - -10, no shelter, +10, shelter, space, warming/cooling
4.) Comfort - -10, lacking comfort mats, +10, sofa, chairs, den
5.) Transport - -10, no public or personal, +10 public, personal, Driver's license
6.) Entertainment - -10, none, +10, computers, television, phones
7.) Social - -10, enemies, +10, online friends, real friends....
8.) Health - -10, terminal illness, chronic pain, mental health
9.) Environment - -10, high crime, bad neighborhood, no parks, no malls
10.) Education - -10, no access, none,
11.) Occupation - -10, no access, few jobs, 10, nice people, easy completion of tasks.

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