Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Toroid Field MODEL: ~Polarity and Unity~

We start by looking at the largest scale of rotating toroid. Through the center and out the side; energy polarity is created, or displaced symmetrically and directionally.


Theoretically, what is responsible for the current universal, or intrapolar space, is a black-hole-white-hole. When a white-hole expands, we get a cone universe, as it is pushed outward, and then back around to the highest point of gravity, being the center which it came from. In some way, scientists are not totally certain of how it is that a singularity expands and contracts, losing gravity at birth and gaining maximum gravity in collapse.

Galaxies are working fractal engines of this intrapolar space. The center masses of galaxies, are usually the highest, and go on existing and eventually pulling matter in, and creating a new black-hole.

The black-holes entropy, according to Hawking's radiation (theoretically) as they also push energy through an interdimensional portal. This hole, maybe connected to a white-hole out-put of energy based on a calculation of degrees of expansion and contraction in correlation with radius of the black-side of the b-h.  In the same way two ends of a spinning toroidal e-m body, star, are connected in correlation to the radius of the sphere.

Theory B, says that black-holes do not connect interdimesionally, rather they form a kind of calm spot, an equilibrium, or zeropoint energy, as seen on smaller scales in hurricanes. In this theory there are no white-holes, rather black-holes might expand and lose their energy when they loss their suction, i.e. when there is only space and a black-hole.

This is not totally as believable or probable as theory A, because the two vortexes of normal toroidal energy, should continue to exist but in some kind outward force that is radiant. Black-holes do not radiate EM energy, so it slightly illogical to conclude: black-hole are doing any kind of radiating from an outer vortex that is linked to the local position of the b-h (not to count thermal loss).

The above picture is the toroidal path of energy. The line of symmetry is through the nine. The 3 and 6 are symmetrical. As explained before the energy polarizes from the center outward, as it follows the path back to the center. To make it clear, the toroid has a vortex that follows to the zero-point than out from the center in either direction depending on the vortex. The far black-white picture is the top view of a torus and its spins. The center picture is showing, like Einstein's theory of space, that there is force that collapses inward, which is thought to be invisible (gravity). That which is moving outward is the radiating field of the spheroids and toroids.

The Radius of the Toroid should both give us the outward expansion loop, and the inward collapsing loop.

Such as gravity is division:
10 ..5....2.5

  • is the initial gravitational influence,
  • k is a decay constant related to how fast gravity diminishes with radius RR.

In differential form, this is:

dGdR=kG\frac{dG}{dR} = -kG

And electromagnetism is multiplication:


  • EM0 is the initial EM influence,
  • m is a growth constant.

    Differentially:dEMdR=mEM\frac{dEM}{dR} = mEM

These given rates are arbitrary doublings and dividings. They can be quantified given exact measurements of precise amounts of energy. This doesn't suspend the preexisting constant of gravitational acceleration (g) or electromagnetic variables in physics. It's an overly simplified and incomplete re-expressing of the two forces.

Since gravity collapses inward and EM expands outward, their ratio dictates the overall system behavior:

G(R)EM(R)=G0ekREM0emR\frac{G(R)}{EM(R)} = \frac{G_0 e^{-kR}}{EM_0 e^{mR}}
  • When R is small, gravity dominates (GEMG \gg EM).
  • When R is large, electromagnetism dominates (EMGEM \gg G).
  • At a critical point Rc, the two forces balance, potentially defining a stability threshold.

  • Here the total inward force is divided by doubles, and electro-magnetism is multiplied by doubles. The two forces exist in a ratio.

    The spatial polarity of division/multiplication, with expansion-contraction polarity and the vortex of the spatial dimension, create the third dimension.

    When the inward is greater than the outer, reaching its limits at the -c, we get black-holes, everything else is EM bodies (not to discount the 3 fundamental forces).

    Solving for RBHR_{BH} (black hole threshold):


    This tells us that when the inward gravitational collapse reaches RBHR_{BH}, it forms a black hole.

    Cosmic energy is at balance under these conditions, just as it is from cells, to our organs, to our individual selfs. When there is too much EM being absorbed by living things they are like to entropy, usually with bizarre conditions following. There is a kind of dependent rising between the forces that are in the universe, that just so happen to allow room for the mind and body to exist. When chromosomes double the cells divide, and our number system can tell us how this is mathematically done


    Double torus, not only resembles chains of DNA but also is an exact duplication of cellular division. As you can observe yourself this is the infinity loop, similar to the flux field in Rodin's torus, a doubling vector space.

    Cells of your body, as well your body itself, digest food, divide it up (entropy) and than use the food as physical expended energy through work or multiplication. In this way, working with an earlier notion the body must divide energy not greater than its prey's number or replication i.e. prey expansion in the ecosystem.

    If we look at the DNA sequence of a Rodin's circuit, we see that double helix is set-up in a kind of harmonic with the sequences of the torus field. Now we know that RNA transcriptions put together new genes, and this is an expanding process that results in division (as the ratio is self-recursive). The polarity exists at this molecular level. The 3,6,9 works as spinning top, to the curving lengths of nucleic acids, just as it allows for galaxies, and tornadoes, to form into spiral like shapes.

    We can look at the human body, as see that there is this kind of symmetry coming from polarity, as well as the spiral and the toroid shape existing anatomically.

    Factually, each organ is undergoing an expansion and contracting rhythm.

    Heart - Two chambers, expanding and contracting, multiplying an dividing oxygen in body in synergy with lungs and muscles.
    Lungs - Two chambers, expanding and contracting, dividing Co2.
    Muscles - Expandable and contractible, dividing metabolized energy, these include the spiral of the fist, and the bending of arms and legs.
    Kidneys - Expansion and contraction of water.
    The Buttocks - Forming a perfect toroid with an inner tube from the mouth and the outer the anus, vagina, and penis.
    Reproductive glands - Multiplication of cells that later expand into life, from dividing of cells

    THE BRAIN - Two hemispheres.

     The face of the brain also represents a kind of symmetry. The face changes in accordance with the polar feelings of the brain. Just as opposite forces take on polarity, the opposite emotional forces, programmed for biological survival, take on polarity in the brain, with the highest forms of thought (logic, analysis, visualization) being predominate in the cortex. Lower than that is emotion, in the limbic system. Lower than that still is the motor system, the cerebrum. These can form a polarity to what should and shouldn't be done, a kind of moral compass, a conscience (an emotional distribution through cortical patterns of motor-behaviors). Digestion, heart control are deeper into the brainstem, but tie into the what we feel, and we feel ties into what we do. Its an integrate harmonized system, of dividing molecules, multiplying neurotransmitters, increasing/decreasing heart rates, and it got this way through adaption to the environment. The insulas of the brain are known for the polarity, between happiness and disgust. There are surely other brain regions, that might be understood as expanding outward in the eternal flow of energy of the Rodin dynamic.

    The Rodin Diagram also works for acoustics, quite vividly they are interlinked. Doubling frequencies move the frequencies either to increase in the amount of wps (waves-per-second) or decreasing in their waves per-second, depending on their place on the scale. The wavelength is halved when a wave frequency doubles, and vice-versa. W/2 = Fx2

    If you search the net for images of frequencies you will often see them displayed in a 2d rendering. This is an inaccurate depiction. There are only 3-d frequencies/vibrations/waves.

    This can be proven with what I call the sphere-double slit experiment, where a black sphere undergoes the double slit experiment, and waves are formed on all sides of the sphere. More apparently, this depiction is true, as you can move in 3 dimensions to see an object's reflected light from any angle (within the sphere of its light (or sound) emissions).

     WIth this understanding such technologies as electronic ossilators and readers (Ex:EMG), will advance with mathematical expressions for 3-d wave functions. Even holographic projectors might be made from a grasp of triple integral calculus of 3-d wave-forms.

    When rendered on a 2-d surface-space (paper/Cartesian graph/electronics) one will observe they are half of the vortex loop. When rendered in 3-d the same pattern of the loop appears. Likewise the torid is not accurately 2-d but 3-d. Two dimensional planes are shadows of realer three dimensional forms.

    It also works for the color theory, as color is wave-length of energy. The same principles apply.

    The universe is but One Field of Energy expressing itself with Variation of its Forms.

    The unified field contains the patterns embedded in itself for all possible forms. The torus, to the flower of life, to all platonic solids, are contained in the Unity of the Toroid. Biologically, all life forms can be modeled through geometry.

    As I do not know the "codes" for such things as cell differentiation, or the "code" for a MOLECULAR TABLE I move down to the particle level.


    Every atom has electron orbitals. These exist in a probability space. The visual representation for a particle above should also be rotating. Humans have an advanced science of particle physics but the common visual atomic model is piecemeal at best.



    "I believe that scientific knowledge has fractal properties; that no matter how much we learn, whatever is left, however small it may seem, is just as infinitely complex as the whole was to start with. That, I think, is the secret of the Universe."
         Isaac Asimov, "Essay 400 — A Way of Thinking" 
         (The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, December 1994)

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