Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Relationship, Emotional communication, & Utility judgments


From a limbic system to frontal cortex system causation, we can think of all behaviors, people, and things as being susceptible to some kind of mental force.

If we refer to categorization of emotions chart, we will find that any event can have an emotional association. The biological trend, being positive emotion (desire) for care/benefit/gain of positive, and negative emotion (aversion) being for hurt/detriment/loss of negative.

There is also a ratio when too much care turns into a negative thing for a person, which itself might depend on one's resistance to the officiousness of another.

When a person (A) has negative reactions to another person's attributes(B), the person A will be avoidant to the person, as long as attribute or emotional association is made.  (ΔA,B) =Δ+F/Δ-F/(ΔAttr).

As the intensity of either positive or negative emotion increases the subjects in the relationship will tend to form a stronger or weaker bond.

Every attribute of a person can have a positive or negative emotional charge from self or other. S(attr) = F

Other (B) may be in the relationship when person A has more positively associated attributes than negative.

-f/+f(An) = (-relationship,+relationship)

Bio-quantum-theromdyanimcs of relationship:
N-F(S)/N-F(O) = Increased chance of collapse or entropy of relationship.
N+F(S)/N+F(O) = Increased chance of propagation or decreased entropy of relation.

Emotional communication:
A) Positive

Approval -- A person communicates that accept the other. "I like you. I like your shirt. I like your voice." There is a trend that is An = +F amount of approval equals positive feeling. The two correlate, not actually equal one another.

Positive Grade -- Uses a positive adjective, or comparison (better, best). "I like you, because you amaze me. I like your shirt, because it artistic. I like your voice, its one of the best I have ever heard. Etc.."

Encouragement -- Encouragement works as communicated agreement of ends. E= S/O = (Endsn) "I know you can. I believe that you can do anything you want. Etc." There is a trend where the more Enc. the more likely the other is to do something.

B) Negative

Rejection -- A person communicates they reject the other. "I don't like you. I don't like your shirt. I hate your voice. There is a trend that is Rn=-F amount of rejection correlates to negative feeling. Negative feeling is equal to discouragement, which is equal to possibility of avoidance of end.

Negative Grade -- Uses a negative adjective, or comparison (worse). "I don't like you, because you are arrogant. I don't like your shirt, its weird. I think your voice is the worst I have ever heard."

Discourage -- The opposite of encouragement.

Utility judgment:

Hedonic Calculus --
Variables, or vectors, of the pleasures and pains included in this calculation, which Bentham called "elements" or "dimensions", were:
Intensity: How strong is the pleasure? i+f=+n
Duration: How long will the pleasure last? t1+n = +n
Certainty or uncertainty: How likely or unlikely is it that the pleasure will occur?
Propinquity or remoteness: How soon will the pleasure occur? T = +n/-n
Fecundity: The probability that the action will be followed by sensations of the same kind. P = 1 < -n/+n
Purity: The probability that it will not be followed by sensations of the opposite kind. P < = -n/+n
Extent: How many people will be affected? = Pn

The problem with these simplistic calculations is that there are other variables involved, such as want and need. Essentially, the order in which the a product cares for something is equal to its utility. Food that lacks energy to prepare losses its utility, where as food that can be prepared with energy gains utility, in the supply of two needs energy+food there is utility+utility. We could take this equation as an example, and multiple it by Pn (people). The more people that are satisfied by utility (needed) the better the condition of the people (with out other variables involved).

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