Thursday, January 24, 2013

Truth, proposition, and reasoning

Causation and Consciousness
Everything happens in a series of events. A series is a conjunction of causes and effects. All reasons are causes and/or effects. We can think that A happens for reasons (pos. reasons), or A doesn't happen for reasons (neg. reasons). We can also make choices based on conscious reasons or purposes to do things, (sufficient reasons) or the lack of reasons/purposes (insufficient reasons).

We are cause and effect beings, purpose driven. Every human action, every human behavior has a reason for occurring. We find these causes or effects by asking why? If we are to have a logic that is adequate for speaking about causes and effects we need to assign a distinct question to each (cause and effect). Why is the general question and we can divide it into two questions, “what for,” (effect i.e. x happens for y) “because” (cause i.e. y comes from x)”. Sentences are time differentiated by what time order they happen in.

For: presents a reason, cause or effect ("He is gambling with his health, for he has been smoking far too long.")
So: presents a consequence ("He gambled well last night, so he smoked a cigar to celebrate.")
One can think of the reasons/purposes or lack of reasons/purposes before they make a choice.

 Intentional Reasoning

Intention starts by having a desire for something. One’s desire can become the cause of an event. We can desire “for” “to” “because” and “so as to”. The event begins with the desire. A desire can be in the positive or negative, and be used as a positive or negative reason to do something. Aversion to do x is a negative reason to do x, desire to do x is a positive reason to do x. A selection of reasons takes place when the “I” “does” x “for” y. Conscious-awareness of reasons for doing something start by asking “why?” A desire for something is not the same thing as an Intentional selection. We can select desires and reasons together to form a single intentionality.

:I desire to eat, because the food is good and I am hungry.

The above sentence lists three reasons for doing something, namely eating. We can come up with actions “to do” (x) and desire or not desire to do them (-,+). Negative reasons are the same thing as a negative desire – aversion. Positive reasons are the same thing as positive desire – attraction.

Positive reasons (I will because x) will increase the probability of the choice. Negative reasons (I won't because x) decrease the probability of the choice.

Not doing something, makes the action not occur, and doing something makes the action occur.

When desires correspond to reality, it is a positive-desire-correspondence (PDC) when desires don’t correspond to reality it’s a negative-desire correspondence (NDC). For desire to correspond to reality, for a PDC to exist, one must act to fulfill the desire’s ends. If I want to see the ocean, I must be in "seeing distance" of the ocean. If I don’t want to see the ocean and see it anyways this is an example of NDC. If I see the ocean and don’t want to see it so look away from the ocean, this is an example of PDC. PDC can exist when there is aversion to ends, as long as the ends are not wanted.


Truth is correspondence. A tree has positive existence the absence of the tree has negative existence. “Is” is positive, “isn't” is negative. There must be a connection between sentence reality and existent reality for there to be a correspondence.

P.statement & p.existence = (positive correspondence). Sense tree → “There is a tree.”
P. statement & N.existence = (negative correspondence). “There is a tree”. → sense no tree.
N. statement with a N. Existence = (positive correspondence). “There is no tree,” → no sense of tree.
A N. Statement with a positive existence = N. correspondence. “There is no tree,”à Tree sensed.

A statement of experience indicates
Position – Near the sofa
Movement/use – Drink, to Vegas.
Conjunction – B follows A.
Comparison – B is like x, x isn't like B
Relation – Mother, brother, friend, husband.
Quality – smooth, soft, color
Quantity – large, small, numbers.
Entity – Her, him, them.
Value – good, better, best.
Time – o'clock, seconds, hours, etc..
Questions about experience:
Where – position
What – entity, statement
When – time
Why – conjunction (past, present or present, future).
How – use/movement
Who – entities

Each can contain a positive or negative statement. Here is a sentence containing all the variables of experience: “Before going to work the mother is driving to the store to pick up a carton of white grade A eggs, instead of the brown eggs which are worse.”

A proposition is an idea seeking reality. “I want to see my father.” To actuate the proposition the intention must have positive correspondence.

All desires seek positive correspondence but can have negative correspondence (“I don't want to see my father ever again”, neg.statement → father appears → statement has negative correspondence).

A successful actuation of desire requires a positive correspondence. A failed actuation of a desire requires a negative correspondence.

The truth is when idea corresponds with the world. Each man is diverse in his ideas, each man is his own truth

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