Saturday, November 24, 2012

A brief look into the nature of religion

Contemplation on 5 main thesis' on the origin of theism and its relation to human nature.

1. As a result of latent inhibition of past interpretation - It seems to appear as an alternative way of interpretation and approaching reality, brought on by our past interpretations.

It is because we used to interpret the world through mythological archetypes that we continue to see their presence in the modern world.

Past renderings of reality, no longer holding validity to scientific minds, once did because people didn't have a method of testing idea/hypothesis on the basis of its empirical manifestation. Rather, the ideas of human's about the natural phenomenal world were fit into parental hierarchies (father,son) and figures (gods, demons, angels). These are ostensible in themselves. You can find more about this Jungian theory in my book, "Devil, demons, angels, gods." (no longer available).

To deal with this inhibition, society and groups having the agenda to diminish religious interpretation, might fund debates, education, or organizations working towards an informed populace.

2.  As a result of the ease of theistic interpretation - Its much easier to put your mind into religion than to understand science or seek to learn about the natural world through the process of naturalism.

Take for example what Dawkins calls god-of-the-gaps. This a teleological understanding of theological realism. Causes and effects or the world as it is, is said to be that way because of or for "God".

Therefore there is a tendency in human nature, in human beings, to conform to past explanations rather than adapt to conventional thought. Planck pointed this out in his quote "A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it."

This kind of thinking is also exhibited in people that are conformists because of their indoctrination, which is responsible for the ease of which a mind conforms to provided information.

3. As a result of beneficial ends promised - Herein lies the self-interest within religiosity. It is brought on by the promises of reward that may come from adhering to traditions. Not all traditions or rituals followed by a society are always explicitly beneficial, but most are, and if not are implicitly beneficial.

Example of implicit : The Hamar tribe, were women are beaten, and those that are can later come to their masters or "honored" to receive food or care from them (exhibiting their commitment to the tribes "cult-ure"). Example of explicit : Pope's having qualified for their position receive large amounts of tithes and are honored for their identity in the Catholic community.

4. As a result of Authority, slave morality -  In the past the government was theocratic. Through investment of tithes religions have brought themselves up from the lands of the imaginations and story-telling. As they have, there were people in power that controlled the flow of that money, and took on a financial authority and it came with a social influence. During many times, religion has been used as mode of artificial selection, ridding the world of any one that was an antagonist or in popular opposition to the religious creeds.

5. As a result of conformity bias - CB is a tendency to behave similarly to the others in a group. People tend to conform to what a group of others think or tend to do. This is exhibited in isolated groups or tribes, and not so easily understood in secular societies, where other things, such as preference or personal logic might be at work.

Causing Pain

1) Demeaning

A) Teasing - can be quiet fun to do, and is expressed in children. Whether or not it comes from experience or instinct alone I do not know.

B) Rejection, negative-feedback - can be used as form of judging a person's behaviors or thoughts, and can work as to model the person out of or into a particular behavior. Example: You are "bad" at singing. This criticism (negative reaction) can cause the individual to remodel their behavior, stopping what was rejected and taking on another form of being. However, a person may continue in there efforts of self-actualization, even in receiving a greater "third nature" (amount) of rejection.

The reaction of negativity, to negative-feedback, greatly depends on attachment, emotion, and value. A person that neither values, or is positively attached to their behavior will not react with an emotional negativity when they are given negative-feedback. This means that negative reaction greatly depends on positive attachment. Example (induction): Think about love as an obsession to y. The more intense that love, positive attachment, the more emotional pain there will be when lost, Take the converse, when something is not even in one's life as an attachment, there is no repercussions or reactions (possible hypothesis for closed and open experimentation).

C) Emotional abuse - The intensity of a threat (see 2), can become emotional abuse. When some one is threatened with death or ends that are painful as caused by the other, this can result in emotional abuse, and obviously physical abuse if the threats are "manifested".

2) Threat
This according to Behaviorism is called negative-reinforcement, it is to used as "threat" or "pain" as to reduce undesired behaviors in others or self. Its a way of control or dominance, as you might find out through experimentation or description of past social experiences (positive-reinforcement is also possible).

3) Inflicting pain
Really hurting people, might be the result of what I call the elimination principle of frustration, where one becomes angry and acts to harm others as to eliminate their feelings or target.

4) Masochism and Sadism
They also may be inclined to do as not just because of the above, but also because of gaining pleasure from it. Sadistic personalities works with in these mental reactions. It can be seen in young children and developed or emergent in older humans. Pleasure derived from other's pain, also might be called deficient empathy and sympathy. The later are functional in seeing self in other, and treating them as to benefit them. Some sadism, lack of empathy, can be in one's own interest rather than others, and be easily justified and permissible both by law and will.

All threats to life cause fear unless it is inhibited. People that do risk behaviors routinely are likely to become accustom to comfortability. For example: A solider in war at first will probably feel more fear when first engaging in battle, but may become more confident dependent on experience as well as strength of his platoon.

This article frames the distinction between "pain"  "threat" and "admonishment/warning".

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thinking alternatively _ Emotion, will, freedom, need, consciousness, No belief

Emotion as I know it is rejection or acceptance, and it intensity. We might form an understanding of emotion as judgment reaching a certain energy barrier where it becomes a mode of emotion. Personally, my thoughts have become much clearer in realizing that emotion is:

1. Rejection of
2. Acceptance of

Will comes from:

1. Rejection to (will not, desire not to)
2. Acceptance to (will, desire to).

As I follow this line of thinking, I am able to observe myself accepting and rejecting "ends". I have observed myself reject stimulus "x" as to avoid state "y".

These mental forces, exist as to determine will. The more intense the rejection, the more likely that the mind will reject the end. Acceptance and rejection compete, and the one that is activated to a higher energy state or intensity becomes the actual.

I have observed myself accepting to act out of need, meaning accepting to eat, drink, sit, walk, etc. Need is "physical acceptance" of ends that come from a biological mechanism. Instead of having need, I have body accepting or rejecting ends for the body.

Personal freedom is more than being allowed to have competing intensity of rejection and acceptance of ends, without interference from "other". Influence by other, is created through the positive and negative intentions of others, and they become dominate in one's life, because of physical forces or acceptance of the person's intentions.

Consciousness, is "thought equal to sense impression." This means, in my mind either a thought will be equal to sense or not equal. When it is equal it takes on a level of certainty, and not equal, a level of uncertainty. As an example, you have a dog. This dog is taken from you and you are shown two dogs, both look like your dog. The question "is 1 your dog" will be answered yes or no, accepted or rejected based on how equal your idea "my dog" is to the existence of the actual thing(s).

Using empiricism, when a thought is equal to world the thought is "accepted as is," when not equal "rejected as is." Equality between mind world is a function of the mind, consciousness. Study is the ability of the mind to encode information, so as the make the mind equal to the world. So when some one says "are you conscious of x?" It is really to ask if you have a thought that is equal to x in your mind.

Cause and effects can also be thought using mental equality. We can set up an experiment  like this, by splitting an area into section A and B, and concealing the events that take place in one section, therein concealing the causes and the effects. In either side of the area there is a recording of the cause or effect that is taking place. This then will allow the mind to think up a idea of the causes and effects and later compare it to the actual events that took place.

For example you may have multiple ideas of what the source of a light beam is. You might accept that one of them is equal to the cause. This kind of thinking, without empirical evidence is called assumption of cause/effect. When you are observing the cause/effect but you have never seen it before this is called the "encoding phase." A mental equality can't exist without activating encoded information in the mind. Direct observation causes more equality, where as assumptions cause multiple ideas for possible equalization.

No belief, instead thought as is/isn't. Belief might be thought of as a accepting or rejecting somethings existence, whether or not thought was equal or unequal to world. Belief is to conform to some idea is or isn't, where without belief one is able to think that something is or isn't. Instead of belief, I replace it with probabilistic theory.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Why is there something instead of nothing?

If we suppose that something always existed, than to prove that something always existed we would need t demonstrate a thing existing always. The paradox than arises, that you can not demonstrate that something will always exist, as it would require an infinite and ever increasing amount of time. This means that, in this case eternity or immortality is non-demonstrable. To see this clearly, ask an immortal if they have lived forever? Not True.

Again, we might think or deduce that either:
1. Something came from something.
2. Something came from nothing.

In each case, if you bring them to their logical ends, 3. 0>something>0 can still be used as causation loop, just as (2 ) something>something. In either case it is probable that both 1 & 3 are possible, but there can still be 0>something>0 wherein there is no causation chain as in 3.

The probabilities work out amongst the three that 66/33 that the universe is perpetual, meaning infinite in both directions. True.

We look at what we can deduce from something and nothing as energy states:
1. Conservation of energy - No loss or gain, transformation.
2. The impossibility of absolute zero.
3. Infinite singularities.
4. Maximum entropy.

One, two, three, confirm perpetuity, and 3 annuls 4. According to this evidence it is 75% eternal. True.

There are conclusions that come from this, that you might find with your own reasoning.

One question might appear for example: Which is greater, variation or time?

Monday, November 5, 2012

Thursday, November 1, 2012



1. Rate -10-+10 with -10-10
2. Total your rates.
3. Use is/of %/100 to find your percent satisfaction.

1.) Food - -10, days without food/water, +10 necessary food, extra foods
2.) Cleaning/clothing - -10, no cleaning, no clothes, +10, 10 outfits, access to laundry, dishwasher.
3.) Shelter - -10, no shelter, +10, shelter, space, warming/cooling
4.) Comfort - -10, lacking comfort mats, +10, sofa, chairs, den
5.) Transport - -10, no public or personal, +10 public, personal, Driver's license
6.) Entertainment - -10, none, +10, computers, television, phones
7.) Social - -10, enemies, +10, online friends, real friends....
8.) Health - -10, terminal illness, chronic pain, mental health
9.) Environment - -10, high crime, bad neighborhood, no parks, no malls
10.) Education - -10, no access, none,
11.) Occupation - -10, no access, few jobs, 10, nice people, easy completion of tasks.